Sunday, February 07, 2010

Quote by Henri Nouwen

It's hard to live in the present. The past and the future keep harassing us.

I love this quote. He goes on to talk about how the past "harasses" us by the guilt we feel about ways we didn't measure up (for whatever reason). And the future nags at us about things we have no control over. I usually don't have a ton in the past category, but the future harasses me like an school yard bully man!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My New Favorite Artist

...what will happen to a face in the crowd when it finally gets too crowded. And what will happen to the origins of sound after all the sounds are sounded... Well I hope I'll never see that day...

Jason Mraz

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I heard at great quote today at the coffee shop:

I wake up each morning breathing...

everything else is a bonus.

I would like to have this mindset everyday.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cherokee Proverb

A Cherokee grandfather sitting with his grandchildren told them,
"In life there is a terrible fight- a fight between two wolves.
One is evil:
he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity
resentment, and deceit.
The other is good:
he is joy, serenity, humility, confidence, generosity, truth,
gentleness, and compassion." A child asked,
"Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
The elder looked him in the eye.
"The one you feed"

This proverb reminds me of Matthew 15 where Jesus reminds us that out of our hearts flow both the good and bad wolf.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Favorite Prayers #1

Most powerful Holy Spirit

rain down upon us

and subdue us.

From Heaven,

where the ordinary
is made glorious

and glory seems
but ordinary.

Bathe us

with the brilliance of Your light

like the morning dew

on the flower.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Luczi and Chloe

Luczi and Chole have grown quite close recently. They like to slide down the slides together and do piggy back rides. While Lilly and Luczi are like oil and water, fighting over just about anything and everything, these two have found joy in each other and that of course makes thing just a bit more fun around here.

Monday, May 07, 2007


I was driving to work today and as I passed through my neighborhood and surrounding communities I noticed noticed the number of homes in foreclosure and businesses that "used to be". Now Michigan lags behind the rest of the nation in the economic recrovery since 911 and the war, so there certainly are some realistic factors involved in homes and businesses being vacant, but I did notice one other thing driving to work that day... Not 1 gas station was closed down. Isn't that interesting? Do you suppose that the homes of gas station owners are in foreclosure? Wanna bet on it? Agopolies are the way to thrive in new America. I guess I'm just greatful I don't own a Hummer lest my house go into foreclosure.