Monday, February 26, 2007

Sex God

Pushing the envelope once again, Rob Bell is back with his new book Sex God. The title is certainly eye catching, but what I love about the book is the heart of it's content. Bell does a great job of communicating how our sexuality, our personal relationships, and our spirituality are intertwined and intermixed. In a style similar to his preaching he gives nuggets of information for us to process, ruminate on, and test in the scriptures.
Overall I like the book, but it is not without it's flaws. As to being being biblical I will let the reader decide. Sadly there are sections of the book that are under-developed. Many key ideas are thrown out like beach toys waiting for someone to play with them. While I understand that at times this is intentional by Bell, it seems less appropriate with the subject matter in this book than say Velvet Elvis (Bell's first book). And speaking Velvet Elvis, there are whole sections of Sex God that seem to have been copied and pasted right right of Velvet Elvis. This, in the writing world, is like wearing white before Easter.
Flaws aside, I still would recommend picking this one up. I highly encourage engaged couples, newly weds, and people struggling with sexual addictions to read Sex God. There is much that Bell has to offer in this book that would have been helpful to me early on in my own marriage.