Thursday, January 26, 2006

Last Posting from China

Greetings. These are our final hours here in China. Posted is the famous Red Sofa shot that adoptive groups take with all the babies in a group (Luczi is at the far left in dark red). Our group had 10 babies. Nine families and one set of twins. On a whole, the babies have all done very well which has been great for all of us as a group. Some came with some health problems which frustrated some parents because it slightly delayed the bonding process. But within hours diagnosis' had been made and treatments helped each rebound quickly. Even as I am typing below Luczi is vomiting. I guess we'll be taking her to the doctor at 1pm.

All of are very ready to come to our homes but most of us are leary of long plane rides that await us. Fortuneately we have the advantage of the world spinning toward us this time. That cuts 3 hours off our ride. Oddly though we will leave Guanzhou at 9:30pm on Friday January 27th and arrive at Los Angles International Airport at 5:50pm Friday January 27th. We will be on a plane for more than 12 hours and arrive 4 hours before we leave. Fun Huh!!!

As to our arrivals... We arrive at Los Angeles International Airport at 5:50pm (flight number 327) and invite any of our friends who would like to meet Luczi to come and join us. We will need to go through customs so please don't show up at 5:50 as you will likely have a wait. Certainly all of our friends and family are welcome. Anyone interested can contact my (Jeremy's) parents for information.

We arrive in Grand Rapids on Saturday, January 28th at 10:00am (flight number7039). Again we invite any of our friends and family who would like to great us to come. We've missed you all and so many of you have been waiting for Luczi to come. We would be honored to see you there.

As we draw near the end of this trip, we want to thank each of you again for your support. So many have help us financially. Many more have been a prayer support. Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we think of each of you. And we pray God's blessing for your part in His work of bringing Luczi home. We love you all.

1 comment:

Jan Verhoeff said...


I just noticed you posted this one, I'll pass around a prayer request for Luczi, and for safe travels.

Those babies are lovely! Thanks for sharing that photo.

