Friday, January 05, 2007

Quoting Moby

I was reading HM Magazine today and found an interview with Moby ( Granted many evangelicals don't like Moby because he tends to lean a little left of (far right), but I have found that he knows more about the central message of Jesus than most evangelicals (and he doesn't go to church).

When asked whether or not he agree's with Jesus' claim (which is really a fancy way of asking if he believes like most evangelical chrisitian's views of that claim) that He is THE way THE truth and THE life, and that no one gets to the father except through him... Moby answers:

You know what? I don’t even know where my fingernails come from, so it’s very hard for me to speak knowledgeably of the grand objective truths about the universe.

Way to go Moby! Apparently you learned much about Jesus when you read the New Testament.

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