Friday, April 21, 2006

My Favorite of all Pictures

This is one of my favorite pictures of Luczi. There is so much love represented in this picture. You see this is my Dad. I call him Dad even though genetically we are not related. I call him Dad, because this is what he CHOSE to be to me. I call him Dad because when I didn’t have one, he willingly and lovingly became my need. I call him Dad because he played soccer with me, helped me fix my bike, and celebrated my accomplishments. Amongst all the things my Dad taught me he taught me most that love is something one chooses to do. Certainly he never sat me down and gave convincing stories about love being a “higher calling” or something fancy like that. He simply did it! And in this picture, he’s doing it again. Loving Luczi beyond biology. What my Dad doesn’t know is that when I struggled to understand how I would respond to Luczi and how I would be able to love her, it was his love for me that inspired me on. It was his love for me that told me, I can love what isn’t mine. Perhaps (and not to sound too sappy here) it always has been his love for me that has shown me most what God’s love is like.


Brewer said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful photo of your dad and Luczi with us. What a great testimony to God's love to you through your dad and through you to Luczi.

Jan Verhoeff said...

I hadn't seen your site in a while... Mom and I were looking for some pictures of the girls and I found it again. And this...

I've always thought of Sharon as my 'other sister' and from the moment she and Carl married, he's been like a brother. Albeit, long distance, but a brother, nevertheless.

I never wondered why, never questioned the feelings. You're always in my thoughts and prayers, and I just wanted you to know that I agree whole heartedly with everything you said in this message! What a Tribute to a deserving man!

Love ya,

(Aunt) Jan