Monday, February 20, 2006

31,000 ft to find...

Okay, so Saturday was my sisters wedding. Of course I traveled to California by airplane to be there (oh, what a story) and was so blessed to be a part of it. On the plane out of Orange County, I was reflecting on the past 23 hours, on a conversation I had with parents on the way to the airport, and on some things I have been reading lately in scripture and in other books. I was doing all this with my eyes closed and my ears full of Moby (which by the way if you don't listen to Moby, you may be missing one of the most underappreciated artists of our time). While I was doing all that I noticed with my sense of touch... heat... on my arms and it felt nice.
For those of you who don't know, I live in Michigan. For the past 90 days or so we have had cloud coverage and snow flurries. Within those 90 days I've been to China and California both. In 90 days the first glimpse of the sun that I have had was at 31,000 ft. For those of you who live in Michigan, let me assure you, the sun is still there and the sun is still warm.

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