Friday, February 17, 2006

We're still here

Wow, It's been 16 days since I've posted. Luczi is doing so good. We've heard from other couples in our group and most of the girls are doing great, but there are some who are not adjusting very well at all. Luczi is finding lots of attention in her two sisters and is loving that. She's eating a lot lately. Wendi is giving here two jars of baby food three times a day plus her 8oz. bottles. We can tell she is growing already. She's very curious about the world around her and we can't wait till spring when we can take her out to see the "real world".
All and all things are very good. I will be away for the weekend at my sisters wedding so Wendi will have lots of fun with the girls.
Posted is my on of my favorite pictures with Luczi thus far. Like a reptile Luczi sometimes checks the world around her with her tounge. She has done it less lately, but every once and while it reappears. And of course dad sometimes gets in the action too.

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