Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Home a few days now

Thanks for logging back on!!! Luczi is home 4 full days now and is doing pretty good. Luczi left China with a double ear infection the results of which were long hours of crying, frustration, vomiting, and to top things off a mild case of eczema. The bonus for us was that for the two long rides (China to LA and LA to Chicago) we had an extra seat between us. After some small doses medicine, Luczi slept for some long periods of the trip. All and all the fussiness and the illness helped keep her awake and have made the time transition quite easy. She has still had some rough days here at home and keeps herself on guard while sleeping. She hasn’t quite settled into the reality that this is forever. She has attached herself to Wendi and they have bonded well. I am a little jealous, but she and I do okay late at night where she finds comfort in my arms when she is overly tired and can’t find rest. I hold her tight (as I did my other two girls) and she falls asleep. The wonderful people in our church (we love you all) have helped by providing meals which takes some stress off Wendi as I am at work all day.

For the most part we are doing just fine and even with some health issues, Luczi is blossoming into a wonderful member of our little family. Chloe and Lilly are having some adjustment issues and every time Wendi leaves Chloe thinks Wendi is going away again for a long time. She has fits and screams for Mom, but she has always been a child full of anxiety. It will take time for her to “heal” from our 9 day abandonment of her too. We really felt that we would have seen this kind of thing from Lilly, but Lilly has been (other than battling for attention) doing great.

So there is the update, sorry it took a few days to post. Posted is picture of Luczi this morning playing in her exerciser and reflects one of the more long term periods of playing and happiness since our return home. And that of course makes us very happy.

Thanks again for tuning in and we’ll post more sometime this week.

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