Sunday, January 22, 2006

Gotcha Day!!!

After almost 15 months of waiting, Luczi Grace is finally here. Thus far things are great!!! She has bonded well with both Wendi and myself. We have had her for 2 hours now and she shows an incredible amount of trust with us. As we speak, she is playing with a couple of toys on Wendi's lap. She is very curious about everything around her. On the bus ride back to the Hotel, she was in awe of all the activity outside the window. She is "talking" and I even heard the words Dada which is not a term of endearment, it means bye bye in Cantonese. We will not be able to use those words in reference to me. I guess I will have to be papa or abba for awhile. I am okay with that.

Wendi and I firmly believe that God answered our prayers for the Lord to go ahead of us and prepare the way. And so many of you joined us in that prayer. We believe our prayers were honored.

We have a short time to post, but I wanted to get this out there. We will post more about the whole experience later.

We love you all and can't wait to share her with you.


Jan Verhoeff said...

Hi -

I woke up terribly early this morning, thinking about you and checked to see if you posted. She's such a cutie! So precious and adorable.

Continuing to pray for you all God's blessing and protection.

Much love,


Pathway Church said...
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