Friday, January 20, 2006

In the eyes of adoptive parents

Were up and at it again. It's almost 9am local time Saturday morning. There are numerous chinese children with Western parents here at the White Swan. This particular hotel is notorious for having adoptive parents with children. Where ever we are inside and outside the building people want to know if we're adopting and where are children are. I wonder what really goes through their mind? To see so many chinese children leaving their native land. How would we feel as Americans if we lived in a area where we saw our children leaving? I wish I could jump inside their mind and heart. As a people, I am sure thier hearts are broken even if they know it is better for the children. On a whole, my heart is broken for these people. Socially, their country is quite a bind because they are facing an over population problem. Economically they have no means of saving for old age. It really is these two issues that have forced the predictament they are in... forcing them to abandon (or worse) their girls because their gender offers little "economic" advantage to parnets. Yet, in a great way, God's kingdom is breaking through here. Whether they know it or not, believers in Christ are following God's kingdom decloration to take care of the orphan. I can see Jesus in the eyes of adoptive parents here. In a small way, we're a part of whatever God is doing here, and that for us is exciting. I think in a very small way, we will get to know what it is like for God when one of his "children" turn to Him for adoption in his family.

An interesting development just happened. Wendi turned off all the lights in our hotel room. She doesn't feel that we need to have all the lights on. A great genetic irony is at play here... You can take a Americanized Dutch girl all the way to China, put her in a 5 star hotel (where the lights are free) , and she's still Dutch.

Wendi wanted to communicate that anyone can comment on our postings by clicking on the word "comment" at the end of each posting.

1 comment:

Jan Verhoeff said...

The opportunity to adopt a child is awesome. I applaud your ability to do so, and also your willingness to love another child. That's a beautiful miracle unto itself.

I'm really enjoying this blog - I keep checking back to see if you've added anything new. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

As for Wendy being Dutch, my first thought is, "Jeremy, the lights aren't free just because you aren't writing the check to pay for them!" The next thought is, how do you think they are paying for those lights??? You have to pay for the room, dear Jeremy! *grin*

I hope you are taking lots of photos! I'm anxious to see them.
