Saturday, January 07, 2006

Our Girls at Christmas

This is our girls at Christmas '05. Chloe (left) is 6 and Lilly (right) is 3. Every year Chloe loves to go see Santa at the local mall. Lilly on the other hand is a chicken butt. She typically freaks out just walking past that freak of man in a red and white suit. We were successful this year in convincing Chloe that there really is a Santa Clause. I don't think well have that success next year. She's just getting to dang smart.

1 comment:

Jan Verhoeff said...

Those are some awesome little girls! Cute as can be - I printed off your picture. Aunt Evelyn doesn't look at the computer - but she'll enjoy the picture of the girls.

Glad all is going well.

Blessings and prayers,

Jan Verhoeff