Monday, January 23, 2006

What are we up to?

Wow, we didn't post yesterday!! To recap yesterday, we traveled off the island and into the city to finalize our paperwork for the adoption. We had to go through a series of two interviews and and one paperwork completion. The interviews were quite interesting. The first interview was a series of questions that we had to answer in a "check-off" type manner. Here are some of the questions: How long have you been married? How old are you? What do you do for a living? What is your annual income? Why do you want to adopt? Can you promise to never abuse or abandon your daughter? Are you satisfied with this adoption? Piece of cake really. From there we did the paperwork to get Luczi's passport and visa, which needed to be expedited (an extra 50 US dollar). This was because our stay is so short.

Luczi did very well yesterday. She only fussed a little toward the evening and I think she had gas or an upset tummy. Other than that her disposition has been great. She's very curious (meaning we have to buy more toys today). She likes to kick Wendi and laugh. I think it's pretty funny too. She even did well when we were out shopping yesterday for a couple of hours. She doesn't like her stroller (unless it is nap time) which is okay since we're just borrowing it from a local shop.

So far Luczi hasn't shown much interest in other foods. She didn't like syrup, which I thought would be big hit. oatmeal didn't go over well either. Egg was out of the question. She did however to a liking to plane ol' fine ground sugar. We haven't tried chocolate yet... But she is female so I figure it is a given.

1 comment:

Pathway Church said...

Thus far she has been taking a bottle of formula every 5 hours or so. We've half heartedly tried baby food with fruit and veggies and we tried Gonji (a local porage), but thus far anything (other than fine sugar) we try she pitches a fit about. I think we'll just let things continue until we get home.