Sunday, January 22, 2006

Luczi's Nanny

As part of our day, we got interview Luczi's nanny(ies) and ask them specific questions about her. There were some general information questions that we asked about her physical activities, eat habits, and other detail like what cribs/orphans she slept next to. The woman featured in the picture (left) seemed to be her primary care giver. When we were done with our specific questions, we asked if she had any questions for us. She had only the statement that she hopes we will love Luczi and take good care of her. Wendi and I felt completely blessed by her presence and indebted to her work. These caregivers are the real heroes of all of us adoptive parents.

1 comment:

Art and Wendy said...

Jeremy and Wendi
What a birthing room experience! A bit different from what you are used to. What a love gift from God. Thanks for keeping us posted. Praising God along with you.
Wendy and Art