Thursday, January 19, 2006

We're Here

Well after what seemed an eternity on an airplane, we have finally arrived. Local time in China is 10:35am. Back home in Grand Rapids it is 8:35pm on Thursday. Yes, we lost a whole day. Our flight was good, but there is certainly a difference in culture. I guess I didn't expect to meet on the plane, but we did. For those of you keeping track our flight time was 16 hours. We boarded the plane at 11:00pm Pacific Standard time in Los Angeles California (mind you that was 2:00am) our time. Once airborne (and thinking we would close our eyes) we were welcomed by our flight crew to a full course dinner of airplane Chinese food. More importantly, we were forced to keep our chairs in their full and upright position (like there is any other kind of airline seat position) until after the meal. We slept for about 3 hours. For the next 11 and a half hours we busied ourselves with card games, movies (the same two movies), and general fun on behalf of Chinese culture (in other words poking fun at the sutle differences). All in all we can't complain too much, except that after 20+ hours on a plane really allows one to build up body odor. The shower is what we will turn our attention to next.

1 comment:

Jan Verhoeff said...

Wow-long trip. Glad you're safe and sound. Hope you get a bit of rest. Sounds like you stay awake on the plane for the most part. I've heard others talk about the flight to Hawaii and how they read until their eyes were full of sand -- argh. Since it's Friday morning here - and you just posted... Ohhh strange, you're still on yesterday --- what a deal!

