Friday, January 20, 2006

Our Last 12 Hours

Good (very early) early morning,

It is 1:30am here in Guangzhou, China. To recap our last twelve hours let us offer 2 words... JET LAG. We pushed through most of the day after our long journey yesterday (previous post). Once settled into our hotel (left) which is located on an "island" called Shamian Island (Below). We spent the majority day shopping in all the local tourist trap stores on the island. The only difference between these tourist trap stores and the ones around the all the tourist traps in the States is that everything is dirt cheap. While I know that the people here depend on our spending for their livelyhood, I find myself not interested in their products (Jeremy). We will likely buy plenty over the next few days and especially once we get Luczi. Once we were done shopping we came back to our room (around 5pm local time) and we were sleeping before 7pm.

Today we will spend the day recovering from yesterday. We will do some exploration off the island in Guanzhou proper, which by the way, is populated by 10,000,000 people (as a providence). Tomorrow we will get Luczi around 2pm (Saturday back in the States).

Well sleepiness is catching up with me again. We'll post more later.

P.S. Chloe and Lilly- we miss you both very much and we will call soon.

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